Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Why is it so difficult to clean out my closet and purge items I no longer wear, are no longer in style, not flattering and/or no longer fit?  Is there a sentimental attachment to some of the clothes?  After college I desperately wanted a DVF wrap dress but on a social worker's salary that dream was not going to happen.  So guess what?  I bought the pattern, purchased her fabric and made two wrap dresses.  I loved them, the man I was seeing (my current husband of 30 plus years...I say current to tease him a bit,  a private joke between the the 2 of us).   LOVED those dresses too.  He  often left notes on my desk with sweet compliments.  Another dress with wonderful memories is a long red dress I wore to an office Christmas party. That red dress made me feel wonderful.  OK, that is a grand total of 3 ..why do I have all the other junk hanging in there?  No attachment to an awful velvet dress I purchased at the  last minute for a New Years Eve party after discovering what I had planned to wear was not going to work.  No special memories of the many items I purchased due to the great price but also knowing as I  pulled out my credit card that they were not the smartest purchases.  I think I often heard my mother in the background whispering in my ear "save it, someday you will need that  __ __ __ (fill in the blank; coat, sweater, skirt...etc etc)."

When one's closet is overflowing, you often cannot see the jewels that are in there.  I think writing this post has helped me understand that part of my reluctance to purge clothes is because I am then forced to face up to some unpleasant truths:  1.  The money I wasted on clothes that were never flattering and barely worn  2.  Some items just don't fit anymore and I don't see me wearing them in the foreseeable future.  3.  What if I "need" those clothes  tomorrow or next week/month/year and they are ..GONE...  4. Can I trust myself to make better decisions in future purchases?

Do you also have a closet  full of items that need to BE GONE???  If you have also wrestled with this dilemma and found a way to deal with 'Clothing Overload' please share with us your success stories in the comments section below.  Next week I will share with you  in a Closet Cleanout Part 2 post some of the strategies that I have used ; both the hits and misses.

1 comment:

  1. OK, Nancy. I'll work on it! I too have many items that I probably will never wear but that I once really liked wearing. I do not have many items that I rarely wore. Two things I have done--one is to give items that I loved but are too small for me (Ugh!) to my sister who is better about food and exercise than I am. The other is to tell myself that when I buy something new, something else goes to Goodwill or St. Vincent's.
